
Calculate the rates of the services provided by the CCB's Center of Arbitration and Conciliation:

National Arbitration Rates

Use this tool to estimate the cost of your arbitration proceeding.

Please keep in mind:

  • Arbitration proceedings begun after October 12th, 2012 will be governed by Law 1563 of 2012 (New National and International Arbitration Bylaws). 
  • Arbitration proceedings with legal rates will be governed in accordance with Decree 1829 of 2013. 
  • Arbitration proceedings with institutional rates will be governed by the dispositions set forth in the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation's Regulations. 

Click here to access the estimation tool  (spanish version).

MSME arbitration rates

For arbitration proceedings with dispute amounts ranging between 40 and 400 Minimum Legal Monthly Wages, please check the MSME and Social Arbitration Procedural Regulations.

International arbitration rates

The rate calculator will allow the parties interested in initiating arbitration proceedings managed by the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation to learn the estimated costs of a given case (administrative rate plus arbitration fees). 

Click here to access the tool  (spanish version).

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