What is it?
It is an Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism whereby one or several individuals, a public institution or several public institutions authorize a third party, called an Honest Broker to provide final resolution to their disputes. The Honest Broker is not necessarily an attorney, and is recognized for having broad and specialized knowledge on the subject matter that is the focus of the dispute.
This mechanism provides an agile conflict and dispute resolution alternative where a broad range of matters may be discussed and where, as a result of the specialized knowledge by the Honest Broker, also becomes an ideal tool to address matters of a more technical nature.
Review the adjustments and changes made to the Amicable Settlement regulations as approved by the Ministry of Justice and Law under writ No. 15-0009475-DMA-2100 from April 13, 2015, which entered into effect on April 17th, 2015.
(spanish version)
Learn about the step by step to access this service (spanish version)
Review the profile of our honest brokers, who will assist you in resolving your conflict.